What can we do as a country to prevent the obesity crisis?
The problem is that adults and children in our country are getting increasingly over weight. What can we do to help prevent this problem and how do we get people to exercise? I think exercise is something that needs to be taught to you as a child. We need to start making it a daily part of a child’s life. It seems crazy to me that our kids only have PE once a week at school. We as a country need to work hard to get the funding schools need to improve physical activity at school. It shouldn’t cost children money to join in after school sports. Some families just can’t afford to pay for their children to join in sports. So these children don’t get all the opportunities that other children have. Instead they probably end up watch TV and sitting on the couch. When they could have been out have fun and getting exercise. We need to put an emphasis on exercise in all of our schools in this country. In this way the adults of the future will be healthier.
We also need to make it safer to exercise by putting in sidewalks with any new construction. Let’s face it cycling to work for an adult is just not safe. There are always bicyclists getting hit by cars that didn’t see them. It would be nice if it were practical to ride your bike to work but most of us commute a ways to work/school. If towns made the roads more bicycle friendly maybe more people would get out and ride. They could also figure out some kind of tax break for people who don’t drive very often.
The media does seem to have a huge part in our country’s obesity. The commercials tell us to eat their fattening food. We also exercise less because we as a country watch a lot of TV. We go to the movies instead of hiking. We read all the gossip magazines instead of doing more positive things with our bodies. But at the same time you can’t blame the media for everything. We each have our own brains and can make decisions for ourselves. Maybe our country could work on making it a little easier for everyone by funding more parks and sidewalks. If each community just dedicated more effort to making exercise important it would make a big difference.
Work cited: Bike picture: http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/people/injury/pedbimot/bike/KidsandBikeSafetyWeb/index.htm
Kid’s sports: http://www.lynchburgymca.org/pages/kids-sports.htm
The problem is that adults and children in our country are getting increasingly over weight. What can we do to help prevent this problem and how do we get people to exercise? I think exercise is something that needs to be taught to you as a child. We need to start making it a daily part of a child’s life. It seems crazy to me that our kids only have PE once a week at school. We as a country need to work hard to get the funding schools need to improve physical activity at school. It shouldn’t cost children money to join in after school sports. Some families just can’t afford to pay for their children to join in sports. So these children don’t get all the opportunities that other children have. Instead they probably end up watch TV and sitting on the couch. When they could have been out have fun and getting exercise. We need to put an emphasis on exercise in all of our schools in this country. In this way the adults of the future will be healthier.

The media does seem to have a huge part in our country’s obesity. The commercials tell us to eat their fattening food. We also exercise less because we as a country watch a lot of TV. We go to the movies instead of hiking. We read all the gossip magazines instead of doing more positive things with our bodies. But at the same time you can’t blame the media for everything. We each have our own brains and can make decisions for ourselves. Maybe our country could work on making it a little easier for everyone by funding more parks and sidewalks. If each community just dedicated more effort to making exercise important it would make a big difference.
Work cited: Bike picture: http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/people/injury/pedbimot/bike/KidsandBikeSafetyWeb/index.htm
Kid’s sports: http://www.lynchburgymca.org/pages/kids-sports.htm
Hi Katie,
You can definetly tell that you're a mom. I agree with what you had to say about parents shouldn't have to pay for children to do after school sports...it is sad how many kids end up missing out because their parents can't afford it. Great job on your essay.
Nice job on the essay. You presented the information well and in a manner that was easy to follow. I too enjoyed the section on the extracurricular activities that now cost money to take part in. it is ridiculous. We as a society need to take time to think about changes before we implement them. Great job. I also could not help but notice your lab project, It Looks Great!! Jordan
Great job on your essay! I agree with you completely. I think that it is crazy that elementary school aged kids only get P.E. one time a week. I used to have it everyday! Even college aged kids get more than that. So good point there. Also i think that paying for after school sports is silly too, that is what kids need! Activities!
So great job, good essay!!
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