I think most everyone can identify the species I have pictured. Underdog was an accident, I couldn't figure out how to erase him.

1 English bulldog/ canis familiaris: House hold pet humans have a mutualistic relationship with pets. Humans provide housing/food/etc. Animals provide attention and affection.
2 Boxer mix / canis familiaris: House hold pet
3 Cat/ felis catus: House hold pet
4 Spiders/ rhubidosa rabida: pest and predators that help kill other insects.
5 Ants/ solenopsis invicta buren: pests
6 Lizards: cnemidophorus: eat bugs help control pests.
7 Beetles: bugs or pests
8 Mouths: Pests
9 Quail: Tend to be prey for coyotes or neighbor hood cats
10 dove/ zenadia macroura Prey for predators.
11 Grass/ festuca vasey Food source for pests.
12 Chicken/ gallus domesticus We eat these domesticated animals and eat their eggs.
13 Cow We eat these domesticated animals.
14 Wheat Bread We farm wheat.
15 Corn/ zeamays Is used in all kinds of things from cereal to tortias
16 Frog/ hyla arenicolor cope; We coexist. Frogs eat bugs that are pests
17 Fish/ ictalorus punctatus Fish also eat bugs. They are a food source.
18 Bees/ apis mellifera Bees pollinate plants and help spread the growth of plants.
19 Fruit in juice Apple/ malus domestica Domesticated food source.
20 Grapes Food
21 Jack rabbits/ lepus spp Prey for lager animals.
22 Snakes/ crotalus atrox Prey and predator.
23 Scorpions Pests, but they do eat other bugs so predators as well.
24 Cock roaches/ periplanta linaeus Pests
25 Road runner/ geococcyx Preditor/prey
26 tumble weeds Plant
27 thorns from varies plants. Pest because they hurt when you step on them.
28 Rice Food source.
29 Tea from tea leaves Domesticated for use in tea.
30 Pork/swine Domesticated for food.
31 Grasshopper/ trimerotrpis melanoptera Pest that eats plants but is also prey for birds.
32 Cottonwood tree/ populus fremontiwats Provides shade and habitat for other species.
33 Humans homosapiens. We coexist working together and sometimes against eachother.
Scorpion: http://g.msn.com/9SE/1?http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/earth/images/scorpion_big_jpg_image.sp.html&&DI=6244&IG=9b6c10fbb5a54af196261e2377882486&POS=27&CM=IMG&CE=27&CS=AWP&SR=27
Black Widow: http://g.msn.com/9SE/1?http://www.backyardstyle.com/shop/pest-control-spiders.php&&DI=6244&IG=93d0e42d9b414382bd61eea938a9a7b4&POS=49&CM=IMG&CE=49&CS=AWP&SR=49
Pig: http://www.knowledgerush.com/wiki_image/b/b0/Pig_litter.jpg
2 Boxer mix / canis familiaris: House hold pet
3 Cat/ felis catus: House hold pet
4 Spiders/ rhubidosa rabida: pest and predators that help kill other insects.
5 Ants/ solenopsis invicta buren: pests
6 Lizards: cnemidophorus: eat bugs help control pests.
7 Beetles: bugs or pests
8 Mouths: Pests
9 Quail: Tend to be prey for coyotes or neighbor hood cats
10 dove/ zenadia macroura Prey for predators.
11 Grass/ festuca vasey Food source for pests.
12 Chicken/ gallus domesticus We eat these domesticated animals and eat their eggs.
13 Cow We eat these domesticated animals.
14 Wheat Bread We farm wheat.
15 Corn/ zeamays Is used in all kinds of things from cereal to tortias
16 Frog/ hyla arenicolor cope; We coexist. Frogs eat bugs that are pests
17 Fish/ ictalorus punctatus Fish also eat bugs. They are a food source.
18 Bees/ apis mellifera Bees pollinate plants and help spread the growth of plants.
19 Fruit in juice Apple/ malus domestica Domesticated food source.
20 Grapes Food
21 Jack rabbits/ lepus spp Prey for lager animals.
22 Snakes/ crotalus atrox Prey and predator.
23 Scorpions Pests, but they do eat other bugs so predators as well.
24 Cock roaches/ periplanta linaeus Pests
25 Road runner/ geococcyx Preditor/prey
26 tumble weeds Plant
27 thorns from varies plants. Pest because they hurt when you step on them.
28 Rice Food source.
29 Tea from tea leaves Domesticated for use in tea.
30 Pork/swine Domesticated for food.
31 Grasshopper/ trimerotrpis melanoptera Pest that eats plants but is also prey for birds.
32 Cottonwood tree/ populus fremontiwats Provides shade and habitat for other species.
33 Humans homosapiens. We coexist working together and sometimes against eachother.
Scorpion: http://g.msn.com/9SE/1?http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/earth/images/scorpion_big_jpg_image.sp.html&&DI=6244&IG=9b6c10fbb5a54af196261e2377882486&POS=27&CM=IMG&CE=27&CS=AWP&SR=27
Black Widow: http://g.msn.com/9SE/1?http://www.backyardstyle.com/shop/pest-control-spiders.php&&DI=6244&IG=93d0e42d9b414382bd61eea938a9a7b4&POS=49&CM=IMG&CE=49&CS=AWP&SR=49
Pig: http://www.knowledgerush.com/wiki_image/b/b0/Pig_litter.jpg
Cow: http://www.carolinafarmstewards.org/calendar/ETFT/BaldwinCow.jpg
Corn: http://www.silagrow.com/assets/images/Corn2.jpg
Chicken: http://www.nifty-stuff.com/gallery/albums/mom-dad/chickens_mom_dad.jpg
Quail: http://lei-chipamerikasite.nl/images/california%20v.jpg
Road runner: http://www.e-referencedesk.com/resources/state-bird/images/road-runner.jpg
Dove: http://www.birdsamore.com/_images/dove-mourning_350.jpg
Snake: http://www.pestproducts.com/images/sckng.jpg
Ants: http://bcrc.bio.umass.edu/ummnh/images/pretty/fire%20ants.jpg
Fruit: http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/images/300/fruit_medley.jpg
Tumble weed: http://theebbandflow.com/tumbleweed.jpg
Jack rabbit: http://homestudy.ihea.com/wildlifeID/fws_jackrabbit.jpg
Bees: http://www.ci.north-las-vegas.nv.us/DynamicContent/NewsFiles/1013/bees_med.jpg
Corn: http://www.silagrow.com/assets/images/Corn2.jpg
Chicken: http://www.nifty-stuff.com/gallery/albums/mom-dad/chickens_mom_dad.jpg
Quail: http://lei-chipamerikasite.nl/images/california%20v.jpg
Road runner: http://www.e-referencedesk.com/resources/state-bird/images/road-runner.jpg
Dove: http://www.birdsamore.com/_images/dove-mourning_350.jpg
Snake: http://www.pestproducts.com/images/sckng.jpg
Ants: http://bcrc.bio.umass.edu/ummnh/images/pretty/fire%20ants.jpg
Fruit: http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/images/300/fruit_medley.jpg
Tumble weed: http://theebbandflow.com/tumbleweed.jpg
Jack rabbit: http://homestudy.ihea.com/wildlifeID/fws_jackrabbit.jpg
Bees: http://www.ci.north-las-vegas.nv.us/DynamicContent/NewsFiles/1013/bees_med.jpg
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