Unit 4 Compendium review 2
• Deep Time Evolutionary History
• Natural Selection
• Human Ecology
(picture of differant skeletons)
Deep time evolutionary history:
The basic principles of evolution are that life started out billions of years ago as single cells. That evolved over a very long time. The got more elaborate over time. Eventually they formed different organisms and creatures. These things evolved over thousands and thousands of years and adapted generation after generation; until we ended up with all the different species that we have today. This is kind of a really quick summarization of a very detailed in-depth topic. We can see the evidence of these evolved creatures by looking at skeletal findings. There have been all kinds of finds of animals that don’t exist today. Some are similar to animals that we have today; so possibly today’s version is an adaptation to the ancient version. There are some skeletons that resemble a number of different animals. This has led researches to ponder if this one animal adapted into several different types of animals over the years. Humans are most comparable to chimpanzee fossils. There have been a lot of findings of ape like fossils that also resemble some human characteristics. It is believed that humans adapted or evolved from a chimpanzee like creature over millions of years. Since chimpanzees and other monkey’s are our closest skeletal matches they could be our very distant cousins.
Natural Selection:
Darwin first described natural selection or adaptation. Natural selection is when a species over time changes to adapt to its environment. For example if a monkey had really long arms it might be better suited to get fruit from trees making it live longer than the others. So this trait would be sure to pass on to future generations. It’s kind of like the bad traits get bred out of a species because they have to survive in order to have off spring. Generations also change to adapt to their surroundings. For example they might change to acquire food better. They slowly over time pass their new ability on to the next generation. Darwin reasoned that this is why there are many different variations to the same species of bird. They each descended from a different adaptation.
Picture of pollution.
• Deep Time Evolutionary History
• Natural Selection
• Human Ecology
(picture of differant skeletons)
Deep time evolutionary history:
The basic principles of evolution are that life started out billions of years ago as single cells. That evolved over a very long time. The got more elaborate over time. Eventually they formed different organisms and creatures. These things evolved over thousands and thousands of years and adapted generation after generation; until we ended up with all the different species that we have today. This is kind of a really quick summarization of a very detailed in-depth topic. We can see the evidence of these evolved creatures by looking at skeletal findings. There have been all kinds of finds of animals that don’t exist today. Some are similar to animals that we have today; so possibly today’s version is an adaptation to the ancient version. There are some skeletons that resemble a number of different animals. This has led researches to ponder if this one animal adapted into several different types of animals over the years. Humans are most comparable to chimpanzee fossils. There have been a lot of findings of ape like fossils that also resemble some human characteristics. It is believed that humans adapted or evolved from a chimpanzee like creature over millions of years. Since chimpanzees and other monkey’s are our closest skeletal matches they could be our very distant cousins.
Natural Selection:
Darwin first described natural selection or adaptation. Natural selection is when a species over time changes to adapt to its environment. For example if a monkey had really long arms it might be better suited to get fruit from trees making it live longer than the others. So this trait would be sure to pass on to future generations. It’s kind of like the bad traits get bred out of a species because they have to survive in order to have off spring. Generations also change to adapt to their surroundings. For example they might change to acquire food better. They slowly over time pass their new ability on to the next generation. Darwin reasoned that this is why there are many different variations to the same species of bird. They each descended from a different adaptation.
Human Ecology:
Biological landscape is our environment. Everything interacts with one another. We breathe out carbon dioxide and trees/plants take it up and give off oxygen. It’s a continuous cycle. Animals eat plants then they leave behind wastes that get used up by plants. They eventually die and decompose putting phosphate ions back into the environment. The environment interacts constantly with each member. Humans on the other hand change the environment we live in. We domesticate it by put roads, houses and factories in. All of these different things let of chemicals which effect the environment. Our vehicles and factories burn fossil-fuel which causes air pollution putting acid into the air and our water. Chemicals used to poison bugs get into our waters and are evaporated then turned into rain. There are all kinds of chemicals being let back into our environment. Most can cause harm to our ecosystem. Researchers are still studying all the different ways we could be damaging our environment. They believe that the chemicals that are released into the air are damaging the ozone layer. The ozone layer is like a protective bubble around our plant that maintains our environments temperature. They are worried that if this ozone layer thins the suns rays will make our world hotter causing the glaciers to melt over filling the oceans and flooding different parts of the world.
Biological landscape is our environment. Everything interacts with one another. We breathe out carbon dioxide and trees/plants take it up and give off oxygen. It’s a continuous cycle. Animals eat plants then they leave behind wastes that get used up by plants. They eventually die and decompose putting phosphate ions back into the environment. The environment interacts constantly with each member. Humans on the other hand change the environment we live in. We domesticate it by put roads, houses and factories in. All of these different things let of chemicals which effect the environment. Our vehicles and factories burn fossil-fuel which causes air pollution putting acid into the air and our water. Chemicals used to poison bugs get into our waters and are evaporated then turned into rain. There are all kinds of chemicals being let back into our environment. Most can cause harm to our ecosystem. Researchers are still studying all the different ways we could be damaging our environment. They believe that the chemicals that are released into the air are damaging the ozone layer. The ozone layer is like a protective bubble around our plant that maintains our environments temperature. They are worried that if this ozone layer thins the suns rays will make our world hotter causing the glaciers to melt over filling the oceans and flooding different parts of the world.

Picture of pollution.
Pictures: Earth http://charichari.seewee.net/result/earthの評判/
Pollution: http://www.green-links.org/weblog/2006/05/movie_night_an.php
Environment: http://www.apicorp.com/tech.htm
Human Evolution: http://ayurveda.iloveindia.com/ayurveda-fundamentals/ayurveda-science-of-life.html
Pollution: http://www.green-links.org/weblog/2006/05/movie_night_an.php
Environment: http://www.apicorp.com/tech.htm
Human Evolution: http://ayurveda.iloveindia.com/ayurveda-fundamentals/ayurveda-science-of-life.html
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