FOR YOUR WRITE-UP:Post the two screen shots: one should have the world simulation compared with a lower fertility rate country or region; one should have the world simulation compared with a higher fertility rate country or region.Answer the following questions:
1. What was your high fertility rate country and what was its fertility rate?Rowanda was my high fertility rate with 8.30.
2. What was your low fertility rate country and what was its fertility rate?Romania was my low with 1.80.
3. The initial demographic "shape" of your high fertility rate country should have been a pyramid, with high population in young age groups. Explain why high fertility rate results in a high percentage of young people in the population. How does this affect future population growth?
High fertility rates mean there are more people having kids and when their kids are old enough to have children of their own a lot of their parents are still fertile. This leaves a huge range of fertile people.
4. Your low fertility rate country might have had a more oval-shaped curve with high population in middle age groups. This is especially exaggerated if the fertility rate is below 2.00. Explain why low fertility rate leads to lots of middle-aged people. The lower fertility rate means that there are more people in that end of the age scale. This means they aren’t overly populated by fertile people.
5. Write ten adjectives or descriptive phrases for what you might expect life, people's attitudes, conditions on the streets, etc. will be like in each of those situations. Imagine a situation with lots of middle-aged and older people in the population and write ten quick "brain-storm" descriptors for you think it would be like (Prescott, Arizona?). Then do the same for a situation with lots of children in the population.
A Place with lots of young people might have:
More crime
Loud parties
Drug problems
Car accidents
More drinking and driving
Bar fights
Loud music
Loud cars
Smoking in public
A Place with a lot of older people might be:
Well maintained
No public smoking
Not a lot of people out after dark
Yards and houses kept nice
Dogs on leash
Long lines at the grocery store while they pay with a checkJ
Less crime
Less noise with less traffic commuting
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