This is my model of a cell. I used play dough, puffy balls, pipe cleaners, candy's raisin, nerds and other kinds of candy.

The cell is play dough this represents the cell wall or plasma membrane and the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm is the fluid like material that holds all the orangelles. Orangelles are the working parts of the cell outside of the nucleus. The nucleus is the ball in the center where the DNA is. The nuclear envelope is the purple ball. The red ball in the center is the nucleus. Below the nucleus is yellow string like candies these are the rough endoplasmic reticulm. With green nerds representing the ribosomes. Ribosomes help make proteins. Below the rough endoplasmic reticulm are the smooth reticulm. They are represented by the orange short strips of candy. They do not contain ribosomes. They synthesis lipids.

The gummy worms in this picture represent the golgi apparatus this processes and secretes cell products. The orange skittles represent lysosomes and vesicles. Vesicles are for storage and transportation and storage. Lysomes digest cells parts. The raisins are mitochondrion they carry out cellular respiration. The white pipe cleaners are cilla and fagella made of microtubules. These are protien cylinders.

This picture above is a close up look at the plasma membrane. The green balls represent the hydrophilic heads that line the inside and outside of the cell wall. The orange pipe cleaner is for protiens. They control what goes in and out of the cell.
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