Monday, June 25, 2007

Food for a day

This is a picture of what I ate for a day. I usually eat ceral or a muffin for breakfeast and then left overs from the night before for lunch. Dinner is what ever I can come up with to make everyone.

How healthy a daily diet do you think this is?
I think it is probably fairly healthy. It also kind of depends on how much you eat. Like if you eat a huge portion of lasagna it probably has a lot of fat in it even though it has vegetables and other stuff that is good for you.

What would you change about this days eating if anything?
I would probably just make sure I was eating a serving size and not stuffing my self full.

Do you find this kind of nutrition tracking helpful? Why or why not?
Yes I liked it because you don’t always realize how much fat is in things. I think I would like to keep track more often. It was a great web site.

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