Thursday, June 14, 2007

Cell lab part II

Picture #1
Stages of mitosis: Stage one is early prophase. The nucleus disappears. Chromatin is turning into chromosomes.

Picture #2

Stage 2 chromosomes are present and spindle fibers are forming. The chromosomes are made up of double stranded DNA conected at the center by a centromere. The nucleus has disapeared.

Picture#3 Chromosomes are aligned down the center. Spindle fibers are attached to the chromatids coming from opposite sids. Picture #4

In picture four the chromatids seperate. They move toward opposite ends. Each side recieves the same # of chromosomes.
Picture #5
In pic 5 Nuclear envelope and nucleolus reappear.
Two seperate identical cells.
Picture 6
The orange pipe cleaners represent the spindle poles. The fuzzy balls in the center of the chromosomes are centromere. The rest is made of play dough.

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